제27회 평택통계연보 2022 = 2022 Statistical year book of Pyeongtaek
목차 21
I. 연혁(HISTORY) 31
1. 우리시 연혁(History of Our City Community) 32
II. 토지 및 기후(LAND AND CLIMATE) 41
1. 위치(Land Location) 42
2. 행정 구역(Administrative Districts of Local Governments) 44
3. 토지 지목별 현황(Area by Land Category) 46
4. 기상 개황(Summary Meteorogical Conditions) 52
5. 강수량(Precipitation) 54
6. 해안선 및 도서(Coastlines and Islands) 54
1. 인구 추이(Population Trends) 58
2. 주민등록 세대 및 등록인구(Households and Registered Population) 60
3. 읍·면·동별 세대 및 등록인구(Households and Registered Population by Eup, Myeon and Dong) 62
4. 연령별(5세계급) 및 성별인구(Population by Age(5-year age Group) and Gender) 64
5. 인구 동태(Vital Statistics) 66
6. 인구 이동(Migrants by Pyeongtaek) 68
7. 주민등록 전입지별 인구이동(평택시←타시도)(Migrants by Place of Origin(Pyeongtaek ← Other Regions)) 68
8. 주민등록 전출지별 인구이동(평택시→타시도)(Migrants by Place of Origin(Pyeongtaek → Other Regions)) 70
9. 외국인 국적별 현황(Registered Foreigners by Nationality) 70
10. 외국인과의 혼인(Total Domestic and International Marriages) 72
11. 사망원인별 사망(Number of deaths by Cause of Death) 72
12. 여성가구주 현황(Female households Heads) 74
13. 다문화 가구 및 가구원(Multicultural Households and Household Members) 76
14. 가구원수별 가구(일반가구)(Households by Household Members) 76
IV. 노동(LABOR) 79
1. 노동조합(Labor Unions) 80
2. 읍·면·동별 노동조합(Labor Union by Eup, Myeon and Dong) 82
3. 산업연맹별 노동조합(Labor Unions by Industrial Federation) 84
4. 경제활동인구총괄(Summary Table of Economically Active Population) 90
5. 연령별 취업자(Employed Persosns by Age Group) 92
6. 산업별 취업자(Employed Persons by Industry) 94
7. 직업별 취업자(Employed Persons by Occupation) 96
1. 사업체총괄(Summary of Establishments by Industry) 100
2. 종사자규모별사업체수 및 종사자수(Number of Establishments and Workers by Workforce Size) 104
3. 산업별, 사업체수 및 종사자수(Number of Establishments and Workers by Industry) 106
1. 농가 및 농가인구(Farm Households and Population) 112
2. 경지 면적(Area of Cultivated Land) 112
3. 농업진흥지역 지정(Land Designated for Agricultural Promotion) 114
4. 식량작물 생산량(정곡)(Production of food Grain(Milled Corps)) 114
5. 미곡(Rice) 116
6. 맥류(Wheat and Barley) 116
7. 잡곡(Miscellaneous Grains) 118
8. 두류(Pulse) 118
9. 서류(Potatoes) 120
10. 채소류 생산량(Vegetable Production) 120
11. 특용작물 생산량(Production of Oil Seeds and Cash Crops) 124
12. 과실류 생산량(Fruit Production) 124
13. 농업협동조합(National Agricultural Cooperative Federation) 126
14. 농업기계 보유현황(Agricultural Machinery Holdings) 130
15. 가축 사육(Number of Livestock and Poultry and Livestock Farm) 132
16. 가축전염병 발생(Cases of Infectious Livestock Diseases) 136
17. 수의사 현황(Number of Veterinarians) 136
18. 축산물 위생관계업소(Stocktaking of Livestock Products Handling businesses) 138
19. 임산물 생산량(Production of Forestry Products) 138
20. 수렵(Hunting) 140
21. 수렵면허장 발급(Hunting License Issues) 140
22. 사방사업 실적(Erosion Control Projects) 142
23. 조림(Reforestation) 142
24. 불법 산림훼손 피해현황(Uncontrolled Forest Damages by Cause) 144
25. 산림보호구역 지정현황(Forest Protected Areas) 144
26. 산림병해충 발생 및 방제상황(Outbreak and Prevention of Forest Diseases·Pests) 146
27. 어가 및 어가인구(Fishery Households and Fishery Households Population) 146
28. 어선보유(Fishing Vessel Ownership) 148
29. 친환경 농축산물 출하현황(Shipments of Eco-Friendly Agricultural·Livestock Products) 150
30. 화훼재배현황(Flowering Plants Cultivation) 154
1. 광업 및 제조업(10인이상)(Mining and Manufacturing(10 or More workers)) 158
2. 사업체규모별(중분류별) 광업 및 제조업(10인이상)(Mining and Manufacturing by Division of Industry(10 or More workers)) 160
3. 제조업 중분류별 사업체수 및 종사자수(10인이상)(Number of Establishments and Workers, by Division of Manufacturing Industry(10 or More workers)) 162
4. 산업 및 농공단지(General and Rural Area Industrial Complexes) 166
5. 석유류 소비량(Petroleum Consumption) 168
6. 신재생에너지 지역별 생산량(고유단위)(Production of New & Renewable Energy by Region(Original Unit)) 168
1. 발전 현황(Electricity Generation) 172
2. 용도별 전력사용량(Electric Power Consumption by Use) 172
3. 제조업종별 전력사용량(Electric Power Consumption by Industry Type) 174
4. 가스 공급량(Gas Supply) 178
5. 도시가스 용도별 공급량(City Gas Consumption by Use) 178
6. 도시가스 보급률(City Gas Supply Rate) 180
7. 상수도 보급현황(Water Supply Service) 180
8. 상수도관(Water supply Pipes) 182
9. 급수사용량(Water Consumption by Use) 186
10. 급수사용료 부과(Water Usage Charges) 186
11. 하수도 보급률(Sewerage System) 188
12. 하수사용료 부과(Sewerage Service Charges) 188
13. 하수관거(Sewage Pipes) 190
1. 유통업체 현황(Trading Businesses) 194
2. 금융기관(Financial Institutions) 198
3. 금융기관예금, 대출 및 어음(Deposits, Loans and Bills of Financial Institutions) 198
4. 수출입 통관실적(Exports and Imports Cleared) 200
5. 해외시장개척 추진실적(Overseas Market Development) 200
6. 외국인 직접투자 신고실적(Notification for Foreign Direct Investments) 202
1. 주택현황 및 보급률(Housing Type and Housing Supply Ratio) 206
2. 주택소유현황(Housing Ownership Status) 206
3. 건축연도별 주택(Housing Units by Year of Construction) 208
4. 연면적별 주택(Housing Units by Floor Space) 208
5. 건축허가(Building Construction Permits) 210
6. 아파트 건립(Construction of Apartment Units) 214
7. 주택가격지수(Housing Price Indices) 214
8. 토지거래현황(Land Transactions) 216
9. 지가변동률(Fluctuation Rate of Land Price) 220
10. 용도지역(Land by Use Zone) 220
11. 용도지구(Land by Use District) 222
12. 공원(Parks) 224
13. 하천(Rivers and Streams) 226
14. 하천부지점용(Use of River Sites) 226
15. 도로(Roads) 228
16. 도로시설물(Supporting Structures for Roads) 230
17. 교량(Bridges) 230
18. 건설장비(Construction Machinery and Equipments) 232
1. 자동차 등록(Registered Motor Vehicles) 236
2. 업종별 운수업체(Transportation Companies by Business Type) 242
3. 영업용 자동차 업종별 수송(Traffic of Commercial Motor Vehicles by Mode) 242
4. 주차장(Parking Lots) 244
5. 철도수송(Railway Transport) 244
6. 여객선 수송(Passenger ship transport) 246
7. 해운화물 수송(Freight Carried on Vessel) 246
8. 관광사업체 등록(Registered Tour Service Establishments) 248
9. 지정(법정) 관광지 현황 및 방문객수(Designation of Tourist Attractions and Their Visitors) 252
10. 관광숙박업 등록 현황(Registered Tourist Hotel) 252
1. 의료기관(Medical Institutions) 256
2. 의료기관종사 의료인력(Medical and Paramedical Personnel in Medical Institutions) 258
3. 보건소 인력(Personnel in Health Centers) 260
4. 보건지소 및 보건진료소, 건강생활지원센터 인력(Personnel in Sub-Health Centers and Primary Health Care Posts, Coummunity Health Promotion Centers) 262
5. 의약품등 제조업소 및 판매업소(Manufactures and Dealers of Drugs, Medical Devices, Cosmetics, Etc.) 264
6. 식품위생 관계업소(Food Establishments) 266
7. 공중위생영업소(Public Sanitary Facilities) 270
8. 예방접종(National Vaccination Coverage) 272
9. 주요 법정 감염병 발생 및 사망(Incidence and Mortality for Major Infectious Diseases) 274
10. 결핵환자 현황(Tuberculosis Patients) 284
11. 한센사업대상자 현황(Status of Hansen Disease Patients Benefitted from Public Health Center Project Centers by City) 288
12. 보건소 구강보건사업 실적(Oral Health Activities at Health Centers) 288
13. 모자보건사업 실적(Activities of Maternal and Child Health Care at Health Center) 290
14. 건강보험 적용인구(Covered Person(or Beneficiaries) of Health Insurance) 292
15. 건강보험급여(Benefits in Medical Insurance) 294
16. 건강보험대상자 진료실적(Medical Treatment Activities Under the National Health Insurance) 294
17. 국민연금 가입자(National Pension Insurants by Insurance Type) 296
18. 국민연금 급여 지급현황(Cases and Benefits in National Pension by Benefit Type) 296
19. 국가보훈 대상자(Number of Patriots and Veterans) 298
20. 국가보훈 대상자 취업(Educational Benefits for Patriots and Veterans, and Families) 302
21. 국가보훈 대상자 자녀 취학(Educational Benefits for Patriots & Veterans, and Families) 304
22. 사회복지시설(Social Welfare Facilities, Inmates by Facility Type) 304
23. 노인여가 복지시설(Leisure Facilities for the Elderly) 306
24. 노인주거 복지시설(Residential Welfare Facilities for the Elderly) 308
25. 노인의료 복지시설(Medical Welfare Facilities for the Elderly) 310
26. 재가노인 복지시설(Community Care Facilities for the Elderly) 310
27. 국민기초생활보장 수급자(Recipients of National Basic Livelihood Security Benefit) 312
28. 기초연금 수급자 수(Recipients of Basic Pension) 314
29. 여성복지시설(Women's Welfare Facilities) 316
30. 여성폭력상담(Counseling for Violence Against Women) 320
31. 아동복지시설(Children Welfare Facilities) 322
32. 장애인 거주시설 수 및 입소 현황(Institutions for the Disabled and Their Inmates) 322
33. 장애인 등록현황(Registered Disabled Persons) 324
34. 노숙인 생활시설수 및 생활인원 현황(Homeless and Their Inmates) 326
35. 저소득 한부모가족(Low-Income Single Parent Families) 326
36. 묘지 및 봉안시설(Cemeteries, Crematorium and Charnel Houses) 328
37. 방문건강관리사업 실적(Home Visiting Health Service) 330
38. 보건교육실적(Health Education) 332
39. 어린이집(Childcare Facilities) 334
40. 사회복지 자원봉사자 현황(Social Welfare Volunteers) 336
41. 독거노인 현황(One Person Houshold Age 65 and Over) 338
1. 환경오염물질 배출사업장(Environmental Pollutant Emitting Facilities) 344
2. 환경오염배출사업장 단속 및 행정조치(Inspection & Administrative Measures for Environmental Pollutant Emitting Facilities) 344
3. 배출부과금 부과 및 징수현황(Imposition and Collection of Emission Charges) 346
4. 보건환경 검사실적(Health and Environmental Inspection) 346
5. 대기오염(Air Pollutant Emissions) 348
6. 소음도(Noise Level) 348
7. 쓰레기 수거(Waste Collection and Disposal) 350
8. 생활폐기물 매립지(Municipal Waste Landfills) 354
9. 폐기물 재활용률(Waste Recycling Rate) 354
10. 공공하수처리시설(Sewerage Plant) 356
11. 시설녹지현황(Greenlands) 360
1. 학교 총개황(General Status of Schools) 364
2. 유치원(Kindergarten) 366
3. 초등학교(Elementary Schools) 368
4. 중학교(Middle Schools) 372
5. 일반고등학교(General High School) 376
6. 특수목적고등학교(Special Purpose High School) 380
7. 특성화고등학교(Specialized High School) 382
8. 전문대학(Junior College) 386
9. 대학교(University) 388
10. 대학원(Graduate School) 390
11. 기타 학교(Other Schools) 392
12. 적령아동 취학(입학상황)(Admission of Freshmen) 394
13. 사설학원(Private Institute) 396
14. 공공도서관(Public Libraries) 398
15. 문화재(Cultural Heritage) 400
16. 문화공간(Cultural Facilities) 402
17. 체육시설(Sports Facilities) 402
18. 청소년 수련시설(Youth Facilities) 404
19. 언론매체(The Press and Media) 406
1. 국세 징수(Collection of National Taxes) 410
2. 지방세 부담(Household Local Tax) 412
3. 지방세 징수(Collection of Local Taxes) 412
4. 예산결산 총괄(Summary of Budget and Settlement) 414
5. 일반회계 세입예산 개요(Budgeted Revenues of General Accounts) 416
6. 일반회계 세입결산(Settled Revenues of General Accounts) 418
7. 일반회계 세출예산 개요(Budgeted Expenditure of General Accounts) 418
8. 일반회계 세출결산(Settled Expenditure of General Accounts) 420
9. 특별회계 예산결산(Settled Budgets of Special Accounts) 420
10. 교육비 특별회계 세입결산(Settled Revenues of Special Accounts for Education) 422
11. 교육비 특별회계 세출결산(Settled Expenditure of Special Accounts for Education) 424
12. 공유재산(Public Properties Owned) 426
13. 종류별 공유재산(Public Properties Owned) 428
14. 지방재정자립지표(Financial Indicators of Local Government) 430
1. 지역소득(Regional Income) 434
2. 제도부문별 지역소득(Income Accounts by Institutional Sector) 436
3. 경제활동별 도내 총생산(당해년가격)(Gross Regional Domestic Product by Economic Activity(At Current Prices)) 438
4. 경제활동별 도내 총생산(2015년 기준년 연쇄 가격)(Gross Regional Domestic Product by Economic Activity(At chained Prices(reference=2015))) 440
5. 도내 총생산에 대한 지출(당해년가격)(Expenditure on GRDP(At Current Prices)) 442
6. 도내 총생산에 대한 지출(2015년 기준년 연쇄가격)(Expenditure on GRDP(At chained Price)) 444
1. 공무원 총괄(Summary of Civil Servants) 448
2. 본청 공무원(Civil servants in Pyeongtaek City) 450
3. 의회사무국, 직속기관 및 사업소·출장소 공무원(Government Employees of Provincial Council, Direct or Affiliated Agencies) 452
4. 읍·면·동 공무원(Civil Servants in Eup, Myeon and Dong) 454
5. 소방공무원(Fire-fighters) 456
6. 국회의원 및 시군구의원(Members of National and Regional Assemblies) 458
7. 경찰공무원(Police) 458
8. 퇴직사유별 공무원(Civil Servants Retirement by Cause) 460
9. 관내관공서 및 주요기관(Government and Public Offices and Major Organizations) 460
10. 민원서류처리(Handling of Civil Request Filings) 462
11. 여권 발급(Passport Issues) 464
12. 화재 발생(Occurrence of Fire) 466
13. 발화요인별 화재발생(Fire Occurrence by Cause) 466
14. 장소별 화재발생(Fire Occurrence by Location) 468
15. 산불발생 현황(Status of Forest Fire Outbreaks by Cause) 468
16. 소방 장비(Fire-fighting Equipment) 470
17. 119 구급활동실적(119 Emergency Medical Services) 472
18. 119 구조활동실적(119 Rescue Services) 472
19. 자연재해 발생 및 피해현황(Storm and Flood Damage) 474
20. 위험물 제조소 설치 현황(Factories, Storages, and Handling Agencies of Hazardous Material) 474
21. 소방대상물 현황(Facilities Subjected to Fire Safety Regulations) 476
22. 교통사고건수(자동차)(Traffic Accidents(Motor Vehicles)) 478
23. 자동차단속 및 처리(Traffic Violations and Punishments) 480
1. 행정구역(Administrative Districts of Local Governments) 484
2. 시·군별 세대 및 등록인구(Household and Registered Population by City·County) 486
3. 외국인 국적별 현황(Registered Foreigners by Nateonality) 488
4. 산업별 사업체수 및 종사자수(Number of Establishments and Workers by Industry) 490
5. 농가 및 농가인구(Farm Households and Population) 494
6. 광업 및 제조업(10인이상)(Mining and Manufacturing(10 or More workers)) 496
7. 하수도 보급률(Sewage System) 502
8. 유통업체 현황(Trading Businesses) 504
9. 주택 현황 및 보급률(Housing Type and Housing Supply Ratio) 508
10. 시군별 자동차등록(Registered Motor Vehicles by City·County) 510
11. 의료기관(Medical Institutions) 512
12. 학교 총 개황(General Status of Schools) 514
13. 일반회계 세입예산 개요(Budgeted Revenues of General Accounts) 516
14. 일반회계 세출예산 개요(Budgeted Expenditures of General Accounts) 520
15. 시·군 공무원(Civil Servants in City·County) 522
16. 관내 관공서 및 주요기관(Government and Public Offices and Major Organizations) 524
1. 역대 시장·군수 명단 530
2. 국회의원 명단 533
3. 경기도의회 의원 명단 533
4. 평택시의회 의원 명단 534
5. 평택시 문화재현황 535
6. 평택시 문화유적 537
연관 문화자원 (17)